Illustration: Taylar Wong
Animation: Taylar Wong
Animation: Taylar Wong
As well as illustrating for client work, I also enjoy it in my own time, and here is a selection of recent work i've created based on various different themes. I really enjoy creating fun, playful, colourful work and I've enjoyed beginning to add some motion to these in order to bring them to life and make them pop even more.

Illustration: Taylar Wong
3D models: Taylar Wong
Character Animation: Taylar Wong
In my own time I enjoy illustrating and have worked on a small series of designs which have helped me to improve my skills and begin to find my own style as an illustrator.
As part of my own personal exploration, i’ve been learning Blender, and incorporating this new skillset into my illustrations. I enjoy the juxtaposition between the 3D objects and flat illustrations and think it creates quite a unique, fun style.

Illustration: Taylar Wong
Above is a piece of work I created for a collaborative 2021 calendar where 12 designers were briefed to create artwork based on something they missed during the 2020 lockdown. I chose to illustrate house parties!
Below are a small series of drawings I did based on my own personal experience of the COVID pandemic lockdowns, and illustrate the various 'new normals' over the last few years (daily walks, working from home, zoom dates, and finding things to keep you occupied within the restraints of your house!)