Art Direction - Taylar Wong & James Spink
Graphic Design - Taylar Wong
Motion Design - James Spink
Fanzine Design & Motion - Taylar Wong
Future Age is a look book created for COLLUSION, a sub-brand under ASOS. Their latest drop brought together cyberpunk, grunge and futuristic trends and their online look book needed to reflect this. As part of a team of two at Byte London, we created various potential look and feels as solutions for this. The art direction featured here was unfortunately not the final one selected by the client, but it has a soft spot in my heart and I wanted to share it anyway, as it was so much fun to create.
Our vision for this art direction played heavily on the 'futuristic' elements, utilising Trapcode's 'Tao' to create fluid, metallic visuals paired against dreamy, soft gradients. We wanted to push COLLUSION in a new, exciting direction and really lean into the core elements of the look book, creating something eye-catching for their Gen-Z audience, whilst ensuring the clothes looked great.
Alongside the core piece of work, we also created a 'fanzine', in reference to the drops grunge/punk nature, which we then also turned digital, living on COLLUSIONs Instagram stories for their followers to read. For this fanzine, we were able to lean into more playful visuals, taking patterns and inspiration from the drop itself.
This was a really fun project and it was great working as part of a team on something that allowed us to be a bit more experimental, and imagine what the future of fashion advertising and fashion publication publication might look like.

Animated Fanzine:
The fanzine was created to live as both a printed and digital publication. The idea was to highlight the various different styles in the new lookbook, but also cover a few topics within the same genre as the collection.
The animated fanzine was published on COLLUSIONs Instagram stories where viewers could virtually 'flick' through the pages.